CSCG attorneys Tim Gravitt and K.J. Cabodi secured a dismissal with prejudice of plaintiff’s case during the third day of a personal injury trial in the Orange County Superior Court. Plaintiff sued CSCG’s clients, a security guard company and the security officer who operated the control arm, for injuries sustained by plaintiff when he was…
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Strategic use of the discovery statutes is something CSCG attorneys pride themselves on doing on a case-by-case basis. One such tool that recently proved to be extremely powerful is the Request for Admission (“RFA”). In June 2023, Mark Collinsworth tried a defamation case with co-counsel, Laila Khosroabadi. The firm’s client was accused of defaming another…
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Recently, in Phase 1 of a bifurcated bench trial, partner, Mark Collinsworth, obtained a verdict finding that the firm’s client, an asphalt manufacturer, qualified as a “subcontractor” under California’s prompt payment statute (Public Contracts Code 10262.5). Given the amounts at issue in this case, the additional interest (over and above the contractual interest of 1.5%…
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The Supreme Court of California recently denied a request to overturn and depublish the Fourth Appellate District’s decision in Gerlach v. K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at Beaumont, LLC, 82 Cal. App. 5th 303, 298 Cal. Rptr. 3d 356 (2022), which required evidence of a current or past violation of one of the codified construction performance…
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Fourth District Court of Appeals Issues Published Opinion Interpreting Scope and Application of SB 800 Performance Standards (Gerlach v. K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at Beaumont, LLC, 2022 Cal. App. LEXIS 706*) Trial In February 2020, our office defended builder K. Hovnanian at trial in a case involving alleged construction defects at two homes in Riverside…
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